Building on a Legacy
Vulcan Restaurant Equipment has proudly supplied leading chefs with innovative, high-performing products for more than 150 years. We had the opportunity to build on that legacy by redesigning and developing their website and showcase Vulcan equipment in a truly new way.
Making An Old Company Feel New
The Vulcan team wanted the new look of their brand to be bold, breaking the mold of the traditional manufacturing industry. We took the risk together to evolve their brand making it truly unique and stand out among their competitors.
Helping Customers Find Information
We wanted to create a level of excellence with the end-user in mind without sacrificing brand and aesthetic to achieve it. We developed multiple mechanisms on the website to walk new and existing customers through the process of choosing the right Vulcan product or finding the exact information they are looking for.
Original Content
Creating an exceptional user experience meant that we needed to re-imagine Vulcan’s photography. They already had an existing library of product images, but we needed images that a chef or restauranteur could connect to on an emotional level. So we drove to the East Coast and spent a week photographing chefs crafting amazing food, on Vulcan equipment.
- Drupal
- ScrollMagic
- Bootstrap
- Webdam