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John Glenn College

Redefining Public Affairs at Ohio State

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A woman in a pink and blue tie die hoodie against a multi-colored background holding up a fist while accompanying text reads, "I want to protect people's rights."
Screenshot of the John Glenn site navigation, focused on the Academic Program tab
Series of cards each containing a course information based on a selected stream, the Public Policy steam is highlighted
A section on the John Glenn site calling out statistics about the college
Collage of interior pages on John Glenn's site, featuring Academic Offerings and Professional Graduate Degrees
Full-screen quote from John Glenn
Stat card which reads, "Ninety-two percent of Glenn College students participated in an internship or work experience during their degree program."
Close-up of an image with copy carousel
A pie chart titled, "Where are Glenn College graduates employed?" with a sidebar showing how the chart is populated in the CMS
Mobile view of the "Academic Programs" page hero
Mobile view of the "Washing DC Programs" section with a CTA to learn more
Mobile view of the statistics section
Mobile view of a section featuring an image of a smiling student with bullet points on what the curriculum is design to do
Mobile view of a News CTA


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